Operation Sunshine
Operation Sunshine will be closing on Thursday 12th December 2024 at 12noon. We will re-open on Tuesday 14th January 2025 at 10am.
We wish all our supporters a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Operation Sunshine news compiled by Lyn November 2019
This week has been quite exciting. We have purchased a second hand trike to send to one of our Sisters. The Sisters have a school in a large compound in Lusaka for children who require special help. The tricycle will enable children to have fun whilst doing exercise.
We have also arranged for one of our largest schools, run by Peter, to have solar power, as at present the electricity is being supplied out of normal school hours. (see photos of computers)
Rebecca's school in Ngombe township Lusaka has been equipped entirely by donations from Operation Sunshine and they have kindly sent some photographs.
The children are being encouraged with catering and tailoring classes, areas where there are possibilities for a job.
Josephine has been busy with her regular helpers, making hospital theatre gowns and sheets from material purchased in Zambia by Operation Sunshine. In addition she is helping Rebecca with her school catering and tailoring work.
We have also received an e mail from the hospital where operation sunshine has overseen the manufacture and donation of 10 hospital trolleys, which were extremely well received.
Dorothy continues to run an excellent school and this year operation sunshine bought this school new playground equipment
Manaca school which we have been helping for several years continues to flourish. The school is 5 km from the main road and it is almost impossible for the older children to travel to secondary school. They are in need of a skills centre for the older children.